por editorgeneral | Sep 29, 2021 | Sober living
Spider telangiectasis is given that name because of its appearance. Blood vessels (the spider legs) radiate out in all directions from a central blood vessel (its body). Like other blood vessels, spider angiomas blanch when pressure is applied. They are most...
por editorgeneral | Sep 6, 2021 | Sober living
When you’re feeling bored, taking a walk not only provides a distraction from any urges to snack but also physically removes you from food temptations. Make notes in a food journal about what you’re doing and your environment when you feel the urge to eat. This might...
por editorgeneral | Ago 23, 2021 | Sober living
Alcohol has a diuretic effect, which means it makes your body lose water. This can lead to dehydration and worsen hangover symptoms like dehydration headaches. Drinking beer, a glass of wine, or other types of alcohol introduces a substance into the body that causes...
por editorgeneral | Jul 9, 2021 | Sober living
They might join a support group, read books on addiction, and get rid of their cigarettes. This shows us that cognitive dissonance creates a motivational state, leading to cognitive changes. It helps people get started on the “psychological work” needed to reduce...